回首建国50年来中国期刊发展史,由党政领导机关及有关部门主办的机关刊,构成了一道独特的风景线。我国的社会制度,决定了机关刊在中国期刊界至高无上的地位,决定了机关刊在中国社会起着其他期刊难望项背的作用。 《中国青年》是中国所有机关刊中最为典型的代表。她地位崇高:是共青团中央机关刊;她历史悠久:到今年10月创刊76周年;她影响巨大:一代又一代中国青年曾
Looking back on the history of the development of Chinese periodicals in the past 50 years since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the organs and magazines organized by the party and government leading organs and relevant departments constitute a unique landscape. The social system in our country determines the supremacy of organs and periodicals in the periodicals in China and determines the role of periodicals in the Chinese society as the other periodicals. “China Youth” is the most typical representative of all the organs in China. Her status is lofty: is the central organ of the Communist Youth League; she has a long history: to the 76th anniversary of its founding in October this year; she has a tremendous impact: generation after generation of Chinese youth