Clinical profiles and outcomes of acute type A aortic dissection and intramural hematoma in the curr

来源 :中华医学杂志英文版 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xlq0225
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Background::Acute type A aortic dissection (ATAAD) and acute type A intramural hematoma (ATAIMH) are life-threatening diseases with high mortality. To better understand their clinical features in the Chinese population, we analyzed the data from the first Registry of Aortic Dissection in China (Sino-RAD) to promote the understanding and management of the diseases.Methods::All patients with ATAAD and ATAIMH enrolled in Sino-RAD from January 1, 2012 to December 31, 2016 were involved. The data of patients’ selection, history, symptoms, management, outcomes, and postoperation complications were analyzed in the study. The continuous variables were compared using the Student’s n t test for normal distributions and the Mann-Whitney n U test for non-normal distributions. Categorical variables were compared using the Chi-square test or Fisher exact test.n Results::A total of 1582 patients with ATAAD and 130 patients with ATAIMH were included. The mean age of all patients was 48.4 years. Patients with ATAAD were significantly younger than patients with ATAIMH (48.9 years n vs. 55.6 years, n P < 0.001). For the total cohort, males were dominant, but the male ratio of patients with ATAAD was significantly higher compared to those with ATAIMH ( n P = 0.01). The time range from the onset of symptom to hospitalization was 2.0 days. More patients of ATAIMH had hypertension than that of ATAAD (82.3% n vs. 67.6%, n P < 0.05). Chest and back pain were the most common clinical symptoms. Computerized tomography (CT) was the most common initial diagnostic imaging modality. 84.7% received surgical treatment and in-hospital mortality was 5.3%. Patients with ATAAD mainly received surgical treatment (89.6%), while most patients with ATAIMH received medical treatment (39.2%) or endovascular repair (35.4%).n Conclusions::Our study suggests that doctors should comprehensively use clinical examination and genetic background screening for patients with ATAAD and ATAIMH and further shorten the time range from symptoms onset to intervention, achieving early diagnosis and treatment, thereby reducing the mortality rate of patients with aortic dissection in China. We should standardize the procedures of aortic dissection treatment and improve people’s understanding. Meanwhile, the curing and transferring efficiency should also be improved.“,”Background::Acute type A aortic dissection (ATAAD) and acute type A intramural hematoma (ATAIMH) are life-threatening diseases with high mortality. To better understand their clinical features in the Chinese population, we analyzed the data from the first Registry of Aortic Dissection in China (Sino-RAD) to promote the understanding and management of the diseases.Methods::All patients with ATAAD and ATAIMH enrolled in Sino-RAD from January 1, 2012 to December 31, 2016 were involved. The data of patients’ selection, history, symptoms, management, outcomes, and postoperation complications were analyzed in the study. The continuous variables were compared using the Student’s n t test for normal distributions and the Mann-Whitney n U test for non-normal distributions. Categorical variables were compared using the Chi-square test or Fisher exact test.n Results::A total of 1582 patients with ATAAD and 130 patients with ATAIMH were included. The mean age of all patients was 48.4 years. Patients with ATAAD were significantly younger than patients with ATAIMH (48.9 years n vs. 55.6 years, n P < 0.001). For the total cohort, males were dominant, but the male ratio of patients with ATAAD was significantly higher compared to those with ATAIMH ( n P = 0.01). The time range from the onset of symptom to hospitalization was 2.0 days. More patients of ATAIMH had hypertension than that of ATAAD (82.3% n vs. 67.6%, n P < 0.05). Chest and back pain were the most common clinical symptoms. Computerized tomography (CT) was the most common initial diagnostic imaging modality. 84.7% received surgical treatment and in-hospital mortality was 5.3%. Patients with ATAAD mainly received surgical treatment (89.6%), while most patients with ATAIMH received medical treatment (39.2%) or endovascular repair (35.4%).n Conclusions::Our study suggests that doctors should comprehensively use clinical examination and genetic background screening for patients with ATAAD and ATAIMH and further shorten the time range from symptoms onset to intervention, achieving early diagnosis and treatment, thereby reducing the mortality rate of patients with aortic dissection in China. We should standardize the procedures of aortic dissection treatment and improve people’s understanding. Meanwhile, the curing and transferring efficiency should also be improved.
当年,中国在西方人眼里遥不可及,林语堂的一册《吾国吾民》激起了西方探究中国的热情,如今,中国人在西方的生存已然成为一种常态,而单声则是他们中间平常而不平凡的一位。  过去涌着出国,现在争相回来  大厅的一隅,穿梭的人流中,单声与太太——台湾长大的单桂秋林安静地坐在中式长椅中,几年未见,84岁的单声还是一脸整洁的颊须,气场镇定,人群中一眼就能识出。  在欧洲侨界,提起单声,人们都很稔熟,连太太都昵称
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彩云之南,德宏傣族景颇族自治州。越野车从320国道的终点瑞丽口岸往内地方向行使,在群山里起伏转回,公路两侧满目葱茏,时而点缀一丛繁花。  这条连接边境的公路,不仅有最美的风景,还有隐秘的罪恶。320国道的这一段,也是国际毒贩为之垂涎的白色通道。德宏毗邻毒巢“金三角”,毒品从边境线上渗透进来之后,要想到达昆明再向全国辐射扩散,这是必经之路。  记者这次采访的对象,是木康边境检查站站长邓学海。木康站,