
来源 :黑龙江政报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:macguys
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牡丹江水力发电总厂是黑龙江省唯一大型水力发电企业,下辖镜泊湖发电厂、莲花发电厂。1995年,为适应牡丹江流域水力发电建设发展的需要,由原镜泊湖发电厂、建设中的莲花电站合并组建了牡丹江水力发电总厂,建立了基建和生产一体化管理的建管结合的管理体制。随着莲花水电站工程的建设,我厂就确立了以创建国家一流企业为龙头,带动整体工作上台阶的发展战略。在创一流工作中又紧紧抓住管理这一龙头,实施全过程、全方位的现代化工程管理。进行机构改革,进一步理顺了总厂管理体制。我厂按照国电公司颁发的一流企业标准,组织编写颁布实施了标准化工程、技术、管理工作三大标准共630项,这些标准覆盖了全厂各岗位、工种和管理层面。为加大标准实施的力度,我厂把标准的执行与效益直接挂钩,优奖劣罚,用标准规范企业的运作与经营。 Mudanjiang Hydropower General Plant is the only large-scale hydroelectric power company in Heilongjiang Province. It has the Jingbohu Power Plant and the Lotus Power Plant. In 1995, in order to meet the needs of the hydroelectric power generation and development in the Mudanjiang River Basin, the original Jingbohu Power Plant and the currently-established Lianhua Power Plant were merged to form the Mudanjiang Hydropower Generating Plant, and the establishment of integrated management of infrastructure construction and production management was established. system. With the construction of the Lianhua Hydropower Station, our company has established a development strategy of creating a national first-class enterprise as a leader and driving the overall work to a higher level. In the first-class work, we firmly grasp the leadership of management and implement the entire process and all-round modern project management. Institutional reforms have been made to further rationalize the plant management system. In accordance with the first-class enterprise standards issued by Guodian Corporation, our factory has organized and issued 630 standards for promulgating and implementing standardized engineering, technology, and management work. These standards cover all positions, types of work, and management levels of the entire plant. In order to increase the intensity of the implementation of standards, our factory directly links the implementation of the standards with the benefits, awards and awards, and standardizes the operation and management of the company.
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