Mouse pox is a serious infectious disease caused by the mouse poxvirus. As early as 1930, Marchal first discovered that a British experimental mouse was endemic to an infectious disease characterized by exfoliation of limbs, and was named as “Infectious Ankle Disease in Mice.” In 1946, Burnet Boake experiment proved that the virus that caused the infectious levage disease in mice had the same antigenic relationship with the vaccinia virus. And the clinical course of the disease is similar to pox in other animals. Therefore, Fenne later renamed the disease in mice to mice pox. Because of the different gene types of mouse poxvirus strains and mice, mouse pox exhibits acute and chronic forms. However, most of them are latent infections. Acute murine pox disease quickly after the animals often have symptoms that die soon. And a large number of deaths. The general lack of autopsy special disease. The chronic type of smallpox disease slowly, you can show the typical symptoms of smallpox. For example: face swollen, conjunctivitis and more common in the ears, nose and tail and other parts of the rash. Where there is off the foot, tail and lack of ear and other symptoms, can be used as evidence of clinical diagnosis of chicken pox. The skin where the skin rash and liver and spleen and other organs appear necrosis, the necrosis was focal or fused into a large flake. There is very little cell infiltration around the necrotic foci (this is obviously different from necrosis caused by bacterial infection). Pathological features of the mouse pox is characterized by the presence of characteristic inclusions in the cytoplasm around the necrotic lesions. This inclusion body is uniform eosinophilic, spherical, clear outline, around the obvious empty halo, and often appear in groups. Inclusion body more common in epidermal cells in the epidermis, liver cells and Kupffer’s cells, spleen swallowing?