Providing Customized Security Based on Network Function Composition and Reconfiguration

来源 :中国通信 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huoyong850918
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Real-time multimedia sharing in Consumer-centric Multimedia Network(CMN) requires usability anywhere, anytime and from any device. However, CMNs are usually located or implemented on application layer, which makes CMNs subjected to their fixed substrate security framework. A fundamental diversifying attribute for the customized security experiences of CMNs is pressing. This paper proposes a programmable network structure which is named Service Processing Chain(SPC) based on network function combination. The SPC is established by the ordinal combination of network functions in substrate switches dynamically, and therefore constructs a special channel for each CMN with required security. The construction and reconfiguration algorithms of SPC are also discussed in this paper. Evaluations and implementation show that above approaches are effective in providing multilevel security with flexibility and expansibility. It is believed that the SPC could provide customized security service and drive participative real-time multimedia sharing for CMNs. Real-time multimedia sharing in Consumer-centric Multimedia Network (CMN) requires usability anywhere, anytime and from any device. However, CMNs are usually located or implemented on application layer, which makes CMNs subjected to their fixed substrate security framework. A fundamental diversifying attribute for the customized security experiences of CMNs is pressing. This paper proposes a programmable network structure which is named Service Processing Chain (SPC) based on network function combination. The SPC is established by the ordinal combination of network functions in substrate switches dynamically, and therefore constructs a special channel for each CMN with required security. The construction and reconfiguration algorithms of SPC are also discussed in this paper. Evaluations and implementation show that above approaches are effective in Providing multilevel security with flexibility and expansibility. It is believed that the SPC could provide customized security service and d rive participative real-time multimedia sharing for CMNs.
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