有位领导同志在回顾自己的成长时深有体会地说: “军旅生涯中的很多第一次都使我终生难忘,第一次主持一个会议,第一次到一个新单位展开工作,第一次组织一个演习……有的常常使我一个礼拜吃不下饭,睡不着觉。要想培养干部成才,就要不断给他增加‘第一次’”,这话看似平朴,道理却很深刻。 “第一次”是一种经历,经历作为学习与实践的平台,不可替代,从实践的观点看,有什么样的经历才可能有什么样的经验,有什么样的经验才可能造就出什么样的人才。“第一次”是一个课堂,新的课题,新的老师,新的环境,可以促使干部全神贯注地去学习新的知识,吸取新的经验,以开拓视野,增加库存。
In reviewing his own growth, a leading comrade profoundly said: “For the first time in my military career, I have never forgotten for the first time. For the first time, I presided over a conference and first started a new unit. The first Organize an exercise ... some often make me eat for a week, can not sleep .If you want to train cadres, we must continue to increase him for the first time ”, these words seem plain, the truth is very profound. “First” is an experience, experience as a platform for learning and practice, irreplaceable, from a practical point of view, what kind of experience may have what kind of experience, what kind of experience can create what Kind of talent. “The first time” is a classroom, a new subject, a new teacher and a new environment that can motivate cadres to concentrate on learning new knowledge and drawing new experiences to broaden their horizons and increase their inventory.