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我们遵照伟大领袖毛主席“备战、备荒、为人民”的教导,从1970年开始推广农用小型柴油发电机组。三年来使用机组的社、队一直获得了好收成。对国家的贡献一年比一年大,集体收入逐年增加,社员生活得到改善。如濮阳县张庄大队在1970年小麦平均亩产只有102斤,1971年用发电机组后,小麦平均亩产增加到300斤;1970年完成征购任务不到两万斤,1971年就达到四万多斤。去年我区百日无雨,但仍然获得了近几年来最好的收成,这与机组在抗旱斗争中发挥的作用是分不开的。通过几年来的实践,我们深刻地体会到:加强柴油发电机组的建设是保证无电地区农业高产稳产的有力措施,因此深受贫下中农欢迎,他们称它为“宝中之宝”。我区应用最多的柴油发电机组是80马力的柴油机配50千瓦的发电机,柴油机与发电机之间采用直联 In accordance with the teachings of Chairman Mao, the great leader, “preparing for war, preparing for war, and for the people,” we started to promote small-scale agricultural diesel-generator units in 1970. In the past three years the crew of the crew has been given a good harvest. The contribution to the country has been increasing year by year, the collective income has been increasing year by year, and the life of members has been improved. For example, the average output of wheat in Zhangyang County in Puyang County was only 102 kilograms per mu in 1970; after generating units in 1971, the average yield of wheat increased to 300 kilograms; in 1970, it completed less than 20,000 kilograms of acquisition tasks and reached 40,000 in 1971 Kg. Last year there was no rain in my area, but the best harvest in recent years was still obtained. This is inseparable from the unit’s role in fighting the drought. After several years of practice, we have profoundly realized that strengthening the construction of diesel generating sets is a powerful measure to ensure high and stable agricultural production in areas without electricity. Therefore, they are welcomed by the poor and middle peasants and they call it “valuable treasure.” The most widely used diesel generator set in our district is a 80-horsepower diesel engine with a 50-kilowatt generator and a direct connection between the diesel engine and the generator
霪雨连天,惊涛拍岸,百年不遇高洪。江堤鏖战,堵蚁穴,险洞弥封。滑坡处,压砂填石,寻浸引沟通。 洪峰,频肆虐,低洼堤段,漫顶穷凶。看子堤抢筑江南岸,依旧花红。歌一阕,抗洪将
王金华同志走访了山东省六十多个县,发现不少机井配套不合理的情况,影响了农业增产,加重了农民经济负担.作者认为机井合理配套的标准是:井出水多,使用年限长:灌溉成本低. Co