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近日,湖北省竹山县麻家渡镇罗家坡村反映,农民种植的莲藕不少在田间已发生腐烂。为此笔者前往调查,同时针对发生原因提出防治措施。一、发生面积与损失程度麻家渡镇地处鄂西北山区,海拔约400米。近年来该镇为发展特色产业,陆续将罗家坡村及周边近千亩连片平坝水田调整出来种植莲藕,建设“千亩莲藕基地”。罗家坡村种植的莲藕,2013年有260余亩后期发生不同程度的腐烂,其中73亩腐烂严重。烂藕表皮有细小黑点,剖开可见藕芯部发生褐变(当地称“菊花心”),鼻嗅有明显酸臭腐败气味,不堪食用。一般藕田 Recently, Luojiapocun, Majiadu Town, Zhushan County, Hubei Province reported that many peat cultivated by farmers have been decayed in the field. To this end I went to the investigation, at the same time, put forward prevention and control measures for the reasons. First, the occurrence of the area and the degree of loss Majiu Town is located in the mountainous area of ​​northwestern Hubei Province, about 400 meters above sea level. In recent years, the town for the development of distinctive industries, one after another Luo Jiapo village and the surrounding nearly acres of contiguous Pingba paddy fields out of cultivation of lotus root, building “acres of lotus root base ”. The lotus root planted in Luojiapo Village had more than 260mu of late decay in 2013, of which 73mu were seriously decayed. Rotten lotus root skin has a small black spots, cut open can be seen brown lotus root Department (locally known as “daisy heart”), nasal sniffing odor sour smell was obvious, unbearable consumption. General lotus field
摘要:在新课改的规定下,明确的要求改善高中语文教学的模式,进而逐渐的改变教学的内涵。针对这一点,本文结合教学实践经验对高中语文创新教学的方法进行探究。  关键词:高中语文;教学方法;创新  新课标的要求下,高中语文教师在教学上将面临着巨大的挑战,语文教师的主要任务就是在进行教学工作过程中不断进行课堂的创新,充分利用课教学堂的时间,科学合理的安排课堂教学,促进学生提高其创新能力以及实践能力,从而使学