茉莉,原产我国西部及印度,性喜炎热、潮湿,阳光充足。不耐寒、不耐旱,要求肥沃、疏松的砂质土壤。 茉莉分南茉莉、北茉莉。南茉莉花重瓣,北茉莉花单瓣,北茉莉比南茉莉芳香味浓。 茉莉花用扦插繁殖。用当年的枝条做插穗,插后浇水,用塑料袋罩住,防止水分蒸发,约30天左右即可生根。 生根后,第二年可分栽,培养土以疏松为宜,并要
Jasmine, native of western China and India, hot, hot, humid, sunny. Not hardy, not drought-resistant, demanding fertile, loose sandy soil. Jasmine sub-jasmine, North jasmine. South Jasmine double petal, North Jasmine single petal, North Jasmine aromatic than the South Jasmine fragrance. Jasmine breeding with cuttings. Use the branches of the year to do cuttings, watering after plugging, covered with plastic bags to prevent evaporation of water, about 30 days to root. After rooting, the second year can be divided plantation, loosening soil culture is appropriate, and to