广告是报刊的经济支柱,也是一块让人馋涎欲滴的奶酪,做成一笔广告可得30%甚至40%的回扣,这早已是公开的秘密。然而,使人一夜致富的高额回扣并没有满足某些人的私欲,反而促使他们利欲熏心,铤而走险。 2002年1月中旬,京城首起报业贪污案浮出水面。犯罪嫌疑人——《中国财经报》原广告部副主任李晋虹,年仅28岁的硕士研究生,风华正茂的京城报业广告界强人,因涉嫌贪污广告款350万元,被北京市检查完第二分院提起公诉。曾经雄心勃勃希望能够在报界一展宏图的李晋虹,倒在了罪恶的金钱堆里。 没有制约的权力必然导致腐败,报业广告管理漏洞究竟有多大?“黑洞”究竟有多深?
It is already an open secret that advertisements are the economic backbone of newspapers and periodicals, as well as a memorable cheeses that make a 30% or even 40% rebate on an advertisement. However, the high rebates that make people get rich overnight did not satisfy the desires of some people, but instead motivated them to smug things and take the risk. In mid-January 2002, the capital corruption case surfaced in the capital. Suspect - “China Financial and Economic News” former director of the Department of Advertising Li Jinhong, only 28-year-old graduate student, magnificent capital newspaper advertising strongman, suspected of embezzling advertising 3.5 million yuan, Beijing has been examined The second branch filed a public prosecution. Li Jinhong, once ambitious, hoped to make a grand effort in the press, fell into the pile of evil money. Unconstrained power will inevitably lead to corruption, newspaper advertising management loopholes exactly? “Black hole” how deep?