武警江苏总队■支队二中队的官兵,奉命警卫某地造币厂的任务以来,他们保卫厂区,守卫金库,押运货币,恪尽职守,用青春与忠诚,奏响了一曲曲大智大勇、可歌可泣的壮美乐章。 “我们是执行特殊任务的” 隆冬的一天清晨,旷野冰封,朔风怒吼,一排长黄振华率领4名战士执行省内押运货币的任务,4辆卡车在冰雪中缓缓而行。中午时分,车队被堵在前不着
Armed Police Jiangsu Corps ■ Officers and soldiers of the Second Detachment of Detachment Squadron Squadron Squadron Sergeant Squadron Sergeant Squadron Sergeant Squadron Corps since the mission of the militia somewhere in the country has defended the factory district, guarded the treasury, escorted the money, performed its duties with dedication and youthfulness, Music chapter. “We are the special task of the” winter day early in the wilderness frozen, Roar of the New Moon, a row of long Zhenhua led four soldiers in charge of the implementation of the province’s escort currency, four trucks in the snow and ice slowly. Noon, the team was blocked in front of