In March 1989, Wei Yougui, a villager in Dafengxiang Diancun, Nanping City, discovered a double-chamber ancient tomb at a spot of 1 m below the ground on the south slope of the village. He dug up the tomb and removed the funerary objects . After hearing the news, the city museum dispatched members to visit the ruins of tombs and recover the relics unearthed. Briefing on the tombs now follows. First, the tomb-shaped tombs located in Dafeng Township shop village about 30 meters south of the hill. Direction 330 °. The tomb brick roof top double chamber tomb, tomb flat rectangular, full length 3.98, width 2.90, high 1.63 meters. Tomb brick are a pigment blue brick, rectangular brick, wedge brick two. Tomb wall with rectangular brick, brick flat error along the smooth construction to 90 cm convex 4 cm, after the switch to the wedges brick coupon cap. Central