是实 事非——浅谈医药广告是与非

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近年来“医药广告”风生水起,逐渐成为广告业的新贵。而医药广告的蓬勃兴起,一方面与消费者日益提高的自我保健意识,健康观念有关,另一方面也与医药行业的发展需求有关。我国的医药行业正处于“规模发展”阶段,在实现“原始资本积累”的根本动机下,医药企业无不希望通过各种方法追求利润的最大化。据不完全统计,我国现有不同规模的医药企业3500余家,生产药品基本以仿制药为主(仅2004年上半年,获准上市的仿制药数量就达到了4237个)。在药品生产供大于求,药品同质化日趋严重的市场环境中,如何让消费者接受并使用自己的产品,成为众企业共同追求的目标。因此,“广告”就成为了众多医药企业在市场争夺战中使出的制敌利器。“利器”的背后究竟有多少“利害”? In recent years, “Medical Advertising” has become very popular among the advertising industry. The booming medical advertisements, on the one hand with the growing consumer awareness of self-care, health concepts, on the other hand with the development of the pharmaceutical industry needs. China’s pharmaceutical industry is in a stage of “scale development”. Under the fundamental motive of realizing “primitive capital accumulation,” pharmaceutical companies all hope to seek maximum profits through various methods. According to incomplete statistics, there are more than 3,500 pharmaceutical enterprises of different sizes in our country. The majority of drugs manufactured are mainly generic drugs (in the first half of 2004, the number of approved generic drugs reached 4237). In the pharmaceutical production oversupply, pharmaceutical homogeneity increasingly serious market environment, how to allow consumers to accept and use their own products, all enterprises common pursuit of the goal. As a result, “advertising” has become the dominant weapon of many pharmaceutical companies in the market war. How much “interest” behind the “weapon”?
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