近三十年来,国际上组织了一系列全球性地球科学的研究,如国际地球物理年、国际上地幔计划、地球动力学计划、国际海洋考察和深海钻探计划及目前正在实施的国际岩石圈计划。现在世界上五分之三的国家和地区都制订了本国的岩石圈计划。 地壳和上地幔是人类居住和获取各种资源、能源,改造和利用自然的重要场所。岩石圈的结构、组成、演化和动力学研究是80年代
In the past three decades, a series of global earth science research programs have been organized around the world, such as the International Year of Geophysics, the International Mantle Plan, the Geodynamic Plan, the International Ocean Observation and Deepwater Drilling Program and the International Lithosphere Program currently under implementation . Three-fifths of the world’s countries and territories now have their own lithosphere plans in place. The crust and the upper mantle are important places where human beings live and access various resources, energy, and transform and use nature. The structure, composition, evolution and dynamics of the lithosphere were studied in the 1980s