
来源 :中国通信 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wooicheang
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Due to the problem of spectrum underutilization and energy inefficiency in wireless communications,the research on energy efficient Cognitive Radio Networks (CRNs) has received significant attention in both industry and academia.In this paper,we consider the problem of optimal spectrum selection and transmission parameters design with the objective of minimizing energy consumption in CRNs.Since the system state cannot be directly observed due to miss detections and estimation errors,we formulate the optimal spectrum access problem as a Partially Observable Markov Decision Process (POMDP).In particular,the proposed scheme selects the optimal spectrum,modulation and coding scheme,transmission power,and link layer frame size in each time slot according to the belief state,which captures all the history information of past actions and observations.The optimal policy can be acquired by solving POMDP problem with linear programming based algorithm.Simulation results show that significant energy savings can be achieved by the proposed scheme. Due to the problem of spectrum underutilization and energy inefficiency in wireless communications, the research on energy efficient Cognitive Radio Networks (CRNs) has received significant attention in both industry and academia. This paper, we considered the problem of optimal spectrum selection and transmission parameters design with the objective of minimizing energy consumption in CRNs. Since the system state can not be directly observed due to miss detections and estimation errors, we formulate the optimal spectrum access problem as a Partially Observed Markov Decision Process (POMDP) ​​.In particular, the proposed scheme selects the optimal spectrum, modulation and coding scheme, transmission power, and link layer frame size in each time slot according to the belief state, which captures all the history information of past actions and observations. The optimal policy can be acquired by solving POMDP problem with linear programming based algorithm.Simulation results show that significant ene rgy savings can be achieved by the proposed scheme.
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对Candida utilis来源的尿酸酶进行定点修饰,并对修饰前后尿酸酶酶学性质的改变进行了研究。PEG修饰使尿酸酶的最适pH往中性偏移,最适温度反应曲线展宽,与底物亲和力增加但最
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