
来源 :中国边防警察 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wfj0808
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在我的人生经历中,也有许多曾经错过的风景。现在回想起来,如果不是这一个个“美丽”的误会,也难以构成我充实而精彩的人生。曾经有一段难忘的记忆,至今埋藏在我的心灵深处,愈久弥香。2007年4月,即将从湖南警察学院毕业的我,参加了公务员招录考试。不久,成绩公布后,我从200余名考生中脱颖而出,位列12名。由于当年要招录20名基层民警,我这个成绩要成为一名民警,至少有八九成把握。就在这个时候,云南边防总队来到学校公开招录。抱着试试看的心理,我鼓起勇气报了名,和几个战友远赴云 In my life experience, there are many missed landscapes. Now, in retrospect, it would be hard to form my full and wonderful life without the misunderstanding of “beauty” one by one. Once there is a memorable memory, so far hidden in the depths of my heart, the more lasting fragrance. April 2007, about to graduate from Hunan Police College, I participated in the civil service recruitment examination. Soon, after the announcement of the results, I stood out from more than 200 candidates, ranking 12. Since it was necessary to recruit 20 grassroots police officers in the same year, I must become a civilian policeman with a score of at least 89%. It was at this time that the Yunnan Frontier Corps came to the school to publicly recruit people. Trying to hold the psychological, I dared to courage newspaper name, and several comrades went to the cloud
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