Dry rice in the broadcast, the broadcast width should be broadcasted shallow, to reach 2 cm deep, 8 cm wide, in order to meet the agricultural requirements. We used the corn seeder to dry the rice field. We connected a stenter (based on the method described in Chahayang Farm in Northeast China) to the opener. The test results, sowing and sowing are satisfactory, but there is a flaw is that the seeds are not covered with floating soil, the seeds will float or be washed away when irrigation. After the planter with a crusher and casing ring, also did not solve the problem. At this time, my team repair mechanic Liu Shou-fa comrades, found that the sowing width of the soil excavated, are split in the broadcast on both sides, if both sides of the soil together, covering problems can be solved. He thought of a way of making a figure-eight crust with iron plates, hanging behind wire width stretchers with wire. So in sowing, in front of the sowing breadth of soil, cover the earth behind the soil, the seeds can be buried beneath the surface of the earth, the depth of the desired. Cover made of iron, the front width of 20 cm, 8 cm high, 8 cm wide at the back, 2 cm high, as shown below. The width of the front cover, the width of the front cover, the height of the rear cover, and the height of the front cover, which are low, make it possible for the soil on both sides of the broadcast to co-operate well. Excess soil can pass over the rear part without clogging. Clay weight 1 kg, the front has two holes, with wire