第十二届埃森国际焊接博览会于1989年9月l 3日至9月20日在联邦德国埃森市举行。本届博览会共有30多个国家的290多个公司、厂商参展;设有700多个展台,展览面积约7000平方米,世界各国前往参观的人数约12万人。展品除焊接和切割设备外,还包括有焊接材料、焊具、辅具、焊接检测设备及安全防护用品等。参展规模较大的公司有联邦德国的梅莎公司、瑞典的伊莎公司、美国的林肯和霍白脱公司、瑞士的奥林康公司等。中国展台系由联邦德国焊接学会(DVS)
The Twelfth Essen International Welding Exposition was held in Essen, Federal Republic of Germany from September 3 to September 20, 1989. More than 290 companies and manufacturers from more than 30 countries attended the fair. There are more than 700 booths with an exhibition area of about 7,000 square meters. There are about 120,000 visitors from all over the world. Exhibits in addition to welding and cutting equipment, but also includes welding materials, welding tools, aids, welding testing equipment and security supplies. Exhibitors larger companies are the federal Germany’s Mesa, Sweden’s Isha, Lincoln and Huobai the United States, the Swiss company Olincon. Chinese booth by the Federal Institute of Welding (DVS)