来源 :岩石力学与工程学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jonh0521
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The inclination angle of shear band is analyzed considering heterogeneity of rock material when a single shear band is formed in the center of specimen under triaxial compression. The analytical solution of post-peak axial stress-axial strain curve is deduced using the assumption that the total post-peak deformation is composed of entire uniform elastic deformation and localized shear plastic deformation dependent on the thickness of shear band. The obtained solution shows that the post-peak stiffness is related to the inclination angle of shear band,confining pressure,thickness of shear band and elastic modulus,etc. Using the solution,the expression for the inclination angle of shear band can be presented easily and it is dependent on constitutive parameters of rock material and geometry parameters of rock specimen. Larger dilation angle or loading rate leads to increment of the inclination angle. In addition,the inclination angle increases with the thickness of the shear band,which cannot be explained or forecasted by other existing solutions,such as Coulomb inclination,Roscoe inclination and Arthur inclination,etc. The presented analytical results are compared with earlier experimental investigations and the agreement is good. The inclination angle of shear band is calculated considering the heterogeneity of rock material when a single shear band is formed in the center of specimen under triaxial compression. The analytical solution of post-peak axial stress-axial strain curve is deduced using the assumption that the total post-peak deformation is composed of entire uniform elastic deformation and localized shear plastic deformation dependent on the thickness of shear band. band and elastic modulus, etc. Using the solution, the expression for the inclination angle of shear band can be presented easily and it is dependent on constitutive parameters of rock material and geometry parameters of rock specimen. Larger dilation angle or loading rate leads to increment of the inclination angle. In addition, the inclination angle increases with the thickness of the shear band, which c annot be explained or forecasted by other existing solutions, such as Coulomb inclination, Roscoe inclination and Arthur inclination, etc. The presented analytical results are compared with earlier experimental investigations and the agreement is good.
2008年10月12日至14日,由北京语言大学比较文学研究所承办、北大、清华和人民大学协办的中国比较文学学会第九届年会暨国际学术讨论会,在北京语言大学隆 From October 12 to
96 薰衣草花(Lavender) Lavandula angustifolia Miller,药用其干燥花,含精油1.5%,其中含乙酸里哪酯(linalylacetate)、樟脑、罗勒烯(ocimene)和1,8-桉树脑,此外,还含约12%
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在雄鹰飞不过的地方  在雪莲花盛开的地方  一道神奇的彩虹把世界屋脊照亮  这就是青藏高原青藏铁路  巨龙飞舞穿越千年梦想  难忘挑战极限的筑路人  扯片片白云擦拼搏的汗水  生命禁区挺起英雄的雕像  噢 告诉世界告诉人们  这劳动的颂歌是天籁交响     在离太阳最近的地方  在离人烟最远的地方  一道神奇的彩虹吸引着世界的目光  这就是青藏高原青藏铁路  壮美画卷铺展人间天上  难忘敢为人先的
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