近日读了几则作文。颇感心烦,因为一些文章中作者有意添加英语,使本来挺好的一篇文章面目全非,读来十分别扭。我们写作文的目的,并非是为练习英语,而是为提高自己的文学水平。倘若是为了练习英语的话,那干脆完全用英语写就行了,何必去尝试“中外结合”呢? 我想,大部分作者(中学生)因英语水平有限,还不能完全用英语写一篇完整的文章,难以成文。更有甚者,本来连英语最起码
Recently I have read several essays. Quite upset, because in some articles, the author intended to add English, so that an article that would have been quite good-for-nothing was completely different. The purpose of our writing is not to practice English, but to improve my literary level. If you want to practise English, you simply write it in English. Why bother to combine Chinese and foreign language? I think that most of the authors (secondary students) cannot complete a full sentence in English due to limited English. The article is difficult to write. What’s more, even at least English