Year of the Ox Chung Chun, a county troupe to the dragon Juzhai performances. I am riddled with trifles, but I do not have the pleasure of going to one view. However, comrades in the Theater Troupe take care of themselves and give tickets every night, but they are actually not respectful. Speaking performance, no less than the regional theater, but the audience is always so few rows each night, so that a huge theater, seemed empty, deserted. Troupe Comrades come and talk about old things, drunk Chayu, talking about calling the seat, not selling tickets, when the difficulties do not pay, can not help but sigh and exclaimed: “Look, this trip really became art at dusk What is the art of twilight? As the name suggests, it is the sunset, sad future, the downturn also. In fact, such a conclusion, often heard, far from the first time. Probably should be such a saying, ”monks are not pro-hat" it, for some theater situation, I am quite sympathetic,