在中学教育中,正确培养和使用学生干部,是班主任工作的重要职责。 为了全面调动同学们的积极性;培养学生的管理才能和分析问题解决问题的能力,我在一九八0年任高一班主任时,根据青少年富有自尊心、荣誉感和好胜心的特点,在班上进行了“班委轮换制”的实验。具体方法是:由班主任选择一个有一定领导组织才能的同学任班长。我给这个班长的第一个任务是由他选择聘请班委,根据自愿原则,选好之后再按特长分工。在选拔班委时还要注意团员和非团员的比例,以各占一半为好。自荐的,胆量大的可先任,胆小的可适当搭配任生活委员、课代表、组长等。班长和班委
In secondary education, the proper cultivation and use of student cadres is an important responsibility of the head teacher. In order to fully mobilize the enthusiasm of the students; cultivate students’ management skills and analyze problem-solving abilities, when I was a high-level class teacher in 1980, I was based on the characteristics of young people’s self-esteem, sense of honor, and good-heartedness. The experiment of “changing the school committees” was conducted. The specific method is: The class teacher chooses a classmate with certain leadership skills to be the head of the class. The first task I gave to the monitor was that he chose to hire a class committee. According to the principle of voluntariness, he would then choose the specialty and then divide the work. When selecting a class committee, we must also pay attention to the ratio of league members and non-members. Self-introduced, bold guts can be pre-emptive, timid can be appropriate with life committee members, class representatives, team leaders and so on. Monitor and class committee