我国干鲜果品具有资源和价格竞争优势,国内市场潜力很大。加入 WIO 之后,我国干鲜果品机遇与挑战共存。从长期看,我国干鲜果品在国际市场的竞争力将不断增强,但在短期内,受技术、质量以及市场开拓方面的限制,我国干鲜果品在国际市场的份额不会有很快的增长。提高果品质量,改进政府资源配置,减少行政管理环节和成本,形成从田间到餐桌的一体化的管理体制,鼓励建立果农协会,让农民成为市场竞争主体,是增强我国果品国际竞争力的机制创新途径。
China’s fresh and dried fruits have the resources and competitive prices, the domestic market has great potential. After joining WIO, China’s fresh and dried fruit opportunities and challenges co-exist. In the long run, the competitiveness of China’s fresh and dried fruits in the international market will continue to increase. However, in the short term, the market share of dry and fresh fruits in the international market will not increase rapidly due to the restrictions on technology, quality and market development. . Improve fruit quality, improve the allocation of government resources, reduce administrative links and costs, form an integrated management system from farm to table, and encourage the establishment of fruit-fruit associations so that farmers can become the main body of market competition and a mechanism innovation to enhance the international competitiveness of Chinese fruits way.