古代“僚”人与今日僮、布依、仡佬等族的关系目前基本上有两种意見: 一种意見認为,“僚”是僮、布依、仡佬等民族的先民,是古代这些民族的泛称。理由是:①他們均是古“駱越”發展来的,汉以后出現的“僚”人包括原来“駱越”的成員。②“僚”人分布区与今日这些民族分布地区相同,所謂“俚僚貴銅鼓,岭南二十五郡皆有之”。③“僚”与“葛佬”、“布佬”的“佬”音相同,直至今天,云南文山的部分僮族还自称为“布老”。④这些民族的語言均屬僮傣語族,这也与族別有密切关系。这种意見
There are basically two opinions about the relationship between the ancient “bureaucrats” and the children of today, the “Buyi” and the “Gelao”. One opinion holds that “bureaucrats” are the ancestors of ethnic groups like Tong, Buyi and Gelao, Pan-name. The reasons are: ① They were all developed from the ancient “Luo Yue”. The “bureaucrats” who appeared after the Han include members of the original “Luo Yue”. ② “bureaucrats” are distributed in the same areas as these ethnic groups today. The so-called “bronze drums of slang people are all found in 25 counties in Lingnan.” ③ “bureaucrats” and “Ge guy”, “Buke” “guy” sound the same, until today, some of Yunnan’s Wenshan children also claim to be “cloth old.” ④ language of these peoples are Tong Dai language family, which is also closely related with the family. This opinion