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榕树四季常青,叶片浑厚浓绿,枝干苍劲,根系发达,穿插挤压,根茎枝干交错,悬根露爪,盘结盆面,气势苍劲盎然,是我国南方树木盆景优良树种之一。而如何使根部发达,造形优美呢?经我多年多方实践,有如下体会:榕树在每年雨季,枝干湿润,会生长出大量的气生根,向下悬垂,落到地面就迅猛茁长,促进枝壮叶茂。笔者曾在每年的梅雨季节,见榕树枝干长出大量的气根,就把树盆移到较阴凉地处,任其生长。随着气候的变化,潮湿时,气根就茁壮成长,气候干燥时,气根就枯萎,成活极少。有时用河沙围着盆内树干,但气根沿着沙边周围分支乱长,似蜘蛛丝一般,根长得很细小,难修剪下地。凡下地的往后生长,也发育不良,成形缓慢。为此,笔者根据榕树枝干经常保持有一定的湿度,枝叶生长茂盛,才能长出气根这一特性。在每年生长气根初期,用透明塑料薄膜,围绕盆内树干一周,把需要生气根的部位全套起来,制造一个袋状小天地。袋的下端沿着树根部将盆土埋紧,要留一、二个小洞通空气。把整株树根围在中间,薄膜到盆边要露出盆土,便于日常浇水、施肥、松土;薄膜上方用木夹夹紧封密,用小绳绑于树干,但不要绑得过紧,要留有适当 Banyan trees evergreen, thick green leaves, vigorous branches, developed roots, interspersed with extrusion, rhizome staggered branches, hanging roots and claws, dish basin, full of vigor and vitality, is one of China’s southern tree bonsai tree species. How to make the root developed, beautiful shape? After many years of practice, I have the following experience: Banyan in the annual rainy season, branches and moist, will grow a large number of aerial roots, hanging down, fell to the ground on the rapid growth and promotion Zhi Zhuang Yemao. I have been in the annual rainy season, see the banyan branches grow a large number of roots, put the pots moved to a shade place, let them grow. As the climate changes, the roots thrive when wet, and when the climate is dry, the roots wither and survive very little. Sometimes the river sand around the basin trunk, but the air root along the sand around the branch chaos, like spider silk in general, the root is very small, hard to repair cut. Where the next growth, but also poor growth, forming slow. To this end, the author often maintain a certain degree of humidity according to the banyan branches, foliage flourish in order to grow the root of this feature. In the early growth of air root each year, with a transparent plastic film, around the trunk of the basin a week, the need to root parts of the angry together to create a small bag-shaped world. Bottom of the bag along the roots of the basin will be buried soil, leaving one or two small holes through the air. The whole tree roots in the middle of the film to the basin to expose the basin soil, easy to daily watering, fertilization, loosening; the top of the film with a folder of tight clamps, tied with trunks trunks, but do not tie too Tight, leave it properly
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