Construction Grammar Approach to Argument Structure

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  【Abstract】 The construction grammar proposed by Goldberg has drawn large attention in the domestic and overseas linguistic communities. The essay is going to explain some advantages of the construction grammar and analyze the reason why it is superior to other mainstream grammars. Despite of the approval of its theoretic values, there are also some criticism about the construction grammar.
  【Key words】 construction grammar; argument sense; argument role; participant role
  1. Introduction
  The construction grammar proposed by Goldberg has been robust in recent years. It has increasingly attracted attention from different interested groups in linguistic communities. The current construction grammar can possibly be decided into four branches and the cognitive construction grammar represented by Goldberg has drawn widespread attention. In virtue of Goldberg’s theory, a lot of the syntactic phenomenon are able to be explained. While with the approvals of its theoretic values, many linguists have questioned and criticized the theory.
  2. The Advantages of Construction
  A construction is a gestalt, a cognitive schema, whose meaning as a whole is contributed to by its component parts, but not equal to the addition of its componential meaning. He argues that the construction is considered as the basic unit in the construction grammar. Generally speaking, construction grammar is superior to other approaches to grammar in two aspects. One of them is that, “the construction approach avoids the problem of positing implausible verb senses”. This advantage can be explained by examples as follows:
  a. Tom tells a story to his children.
  b. The man promises low price for the customer.
  c. The police fathered the poor girl on him.
  In the above three sentences, none of them have verbs which require the direct object complement. If we use the traditional approach to account for three sentences, we must hypothesize that the verb “tell”, has three-argument sense, ‘X causes Y to move Z by some words’. While for verb “promise”, it argues that we need to add additional sense of talk, ‘X causes Y to become Z by talking’. To account for the verb “father”, we still have to postulate an additional sense, for that father requires three arguments, namely, an agent, a theme, and an intended recipient (Goldberg,1995:9).
  Construction grammar is advantageous also lie in that that it avoids a certain circularity of analysis because it makes it clear why one single verb can exist in different sentences. Let’s take the following “kick” sentences as examples.   a. Tom kicked the door.
  b. Tom kicked Jack black and blue.
  c. Tom kicked the football into the room.
  d. Tom kicked at the football.
  e. Tom kicked his foot against the wall.
  g.The horse kicks.
  h. Tom kicked his way out of the classroom.
  Some theories argue that syntax is a projection of lexical requirement. Thus, it may be believed that in the sentence a, b, d, e, g and h, “kick” is a binary relation with agent and patient arguments which can have the transitive syntax. And in examples c and f, the verb “kick” is a three-argument. We can see there are some differences among these sentences.
  However, the adoption of the construction approach to the argument structure can keep us away from this puzzling problem, or, specially speaking, the circularity. For the reason that the ternary relation can be related with the tree-structural DC, also the verb has the connection with the senses (one or a few basic senses) that need to be integrated into the meaning of the construction.
  3. Conclusion
  The construction grammar by Goldberg brings with a refreshing insight into linguistics. It helps us avoid some puzzling problems, such as circularity. For the reason that the ternary relation can be related with the tree-structural DC, also the verb has the connection with the senses (one or a few basic senses) that need to be integrated into the meaning of the construction. The argument role and the participant role in construction also have a great impact on the meaning of verbs.
知识是相互联系的,不是孤立存在的。因此,在高中地理教学中,教师应立足教材,巧用联系的观点来开展教学,以帮助学生认识各知识点间的联系,理解地理知识与其他学科之间的密切关系,提高学生综合运用的能力,进而实现有效教学。  一、强化课本各知识点间的内在联系,有效教学  在教材中,每一章或每一节的知识具有整体性,由不同知识点组合而成,章节中的各知识点有着显性或隐性的联系。在教学过程中,不管各知识点是如何组织
【摘要】英语阅读教学的实效性已经得到了社会各界的广泛认可,笔者仅立足于自身教学实践,就提升初中生英语阅读能力的具体策略发表个人认识与看法。  【关键词】初中生;英语阅读;具体策略;教学方法  英语阅读教学的实效性已经得到了社会各界的广泛认可,学生通过阅读一定量的英语素材不仅可以在阅读中积累英语单词、句子,了解语法形式的构成以及国外友人的文化特点还可以有效消除他们对英语这一外来语言的陌生感,让英语成
【摘要】小学英语阅读文本的标题便是其题眼,标题具有一定的语言意义和语言价值。评判性阅读是培养学生批判性思维的重要途径,教师应立足文本标题进行独到解析,引领学生聚焦标题来预览预测,剖析标题来提问质疑,品析标题来赏析评价,带领学生走进文本评判性阅读,提升学生的思维能力。  【关键词】小学英语;评判性阅读;文本标题;有效运用  【作者简介】吴春梅,厦门市同安区教师进修学校。  一、引言  小学英语阅读文
【摘要】随着我国人口的不断增长,幼儿园阶段增加英语教学成为趋势。高职学前教育专业成为热门专业,但是高职学前教育专业幼儿英语在现阶段还存在学生起点低、学院重视度不够高、教学方法和模式单一等问题。本文就教学现状和存在的问题进行了分析,并根据笔者的教学情况和教学经验提出了改进的措施,最终保障开展和实施有效、高效的教学活动。  【关键词】高职学前教育;幼儿英语;教学模式改进  【作者简介】范展(1976.
【摘要】近年来,“翻转”课堂的实践热潮激发了人们更多的理性思考,“半翻转”课堂的教学模式应运而生。“半翻转”课堂以不增加师生课外负担为前提,利用课堂搭建师生交互平台,强化小组学习的团队合作模式,有利于更多课程开展全新的教学尝试。本文以生态翻译理论为教学内容,以陕西民俗文化负载词的翻译为例,开展了“半翻转”课堂的教学实证研究,探索信息时代既 以学生为主导,又能提高教学效率的新思路。  【关键词】生态
山东天成书业有限公司总发行的《三维设计》(2012新课标高考总复习教师用书、配人教版)第30页第9题是这样的:  2010年4月28日下午,中国国家主席胡锦涛在北京人民大会堂举行仪式,欢迎法国总统萨科齐访华。下列对法国总统认识正确的是 ( ) ①总统是由选民直接选举产生的 ②总统既是国家元首又是政府首脑  ③任期虽然确定,但可以连选连任 ④总统直接任命总理,总理只对总统负责 
【摘要】本研究从《义务教育英语课程标准(2011年版)》中五个维度的二级目标(小学毕业需达到),考察了中部某省六所农村小学84名学生的英语学习情况。问卷分析发现,学生在情感态度、学习策略和文化意识三个维度与《课标》二级目标较为接近,但在语言知识和语言技能两个维度却有较大的差距。基于发此,本研究对农村教师的英语教学提出建议。  【关键词】《义务教育英语课程标准》;农村小学;英语学习  【作者简介】李
【摘要】在早期的英美文学著作中,戏剧独白是一种比较独特的文学艺术展现方式。在英美的诗歌中往往应用此种独特的呈现方式,来划分第一人称和诗人,对人物的内心活动展开深入挖掘与描绘。本文将主要围绕戏剧性独白的概念和特征展开分析,并对其三种表达方式展开深入探讨。  【关键词】英美文学;戏剧性;独白传统  引言  因为戏剧性独白重视说话者的语言来展现其内心的感情和人物的特点与个性,展现力非常细腻,所以,在英美