目的了解惠农区2011年法定传染病的流行特征,为传染病防治工作提供科学依据。方法对惠农区2011年法定报告的864例传染病病例资料进行分析。结果 2011年无甲类传染病报告;乙、丙类传染病报告18种864例,死亡2例(艾滋病、丙肝各1例),报告发病率465.01/10万,与2010年相比报告率上升3.47%。报告发病居前5位的依次是其他感染性腹泻病、手足口病、肝炎、肺结核、痢疾,分别占传染病报告总数的24.31%、22.80%、17.01%、9.26%和8.91%。结论应加强对其他感染性腹泻病、手足口病、肝炎、肺结核、痢疾的监测及防治工作。
Objective To understand the epidemiological characteristics of legal notifiable diseases in Huinong District in 2011 and provide a scientific basis for prevention and control of infectious diseases. Methods The data of 864 cases of infectious diseases in statutory report of HuiNong district in 2011 were analyzed. Results There was no report of Category A communicable disease in 2011; 864 cases of Category B and C infectious diseases were reported in 18 kinds, and 2 were dead (1 case of AIDS and 1 case of hepatitis C) respectively, with a reported incidence of 465.01 / 100 000, which was higher than that of 2010 3.47%. Among the top five reported cases, other infectious diarrhea, hand-foot-mouth disease, hepatitis, tuberculosis and dysentery accounted for 24.31%, 22.80%, 17.01%, 9.26% and 8.91% of the total respectively. Conclusion The monitoring and prevention and control of other infectious diarrhea, hand-foot-mouth disease, hepatitis, tuberculosis and dysentery should be strengthened.