Female suffering, side × ×, 5 years old, hospitalization 28168. Due to head trauma 20 ~ + days, coma 1 day admission. 20 ~ + days before the child fell from the height of about 50cm, hit the left side of the head, has been unconscious injury, no headache, vomiting and convulsions, loss of appetite as usual, not taken seriously, the past 10 days mental fatigue, poor appetite , A left lumbar temporal zygomatic lumps and gradually increased, 1 day before admission began to appear drowsiness, vomiting, but no convulsions, showed skull CT examination of intracranial space lesions and admission to hospital. Admission examination: a shallow coma, Glasgow (GCS) score of 7 points, the location of pain stimulation, systemic superficial lymph nodes, double mydriasis, about 5mm, the light reflex disappeared, the left temporal zygomatic part has a mass of about 10 × 8cm, surface venous filling, left eyeball prominent, conjunctival filling