以浙江慈溪已鉴定的水稻土时间序列为研究对象,研究水稻土序列磷素吸持特性,结果表明,慈溪水稻土序列中磷素大部分被固定在剖面上部-耕层;速效磷一般在剖面上部含量较高,随着土壤深度的增加,其含量急剧降低;慈溪水稻土时间序列土壤磷素吸持百分数主要分布10%~30%,属于中等强度的吸持,水稻土序列剖面表层土壤磷素的吸持能力较强,一般都在20%以上,植稻1 000年和2 000年水稻土中剖面土壤磷的吸持百分数与剖面土壤游离铁分布极其相关。
Taking the time series of paddy soils identified in Cixi, Zhejiang as an object of study, the phosphorus uptake characteristics of paddy soils were studied. The results showed that most of the phosphorus in the Cixi paddy soil series was fixed in the upper part of the profile - The content of phosphorus in the paddy soil of Cixi was mainly distributed in the range of 10% -30%, which belonged to medium-intensity adsorption. The contents of soil phosphorus Vegetation holding capacity is strong, generally more than 20%, paddy rice 1000 and 2000 paddy soil profiles of soil phosphorus holding percentage is closely related to profile soil free iron distribution.