I have collected a rare “ROC Banknote”, which is 15.8 cm long and 9.2 cm wide. It has a simple frame around it. The upper part of the box contains the “Bank of China Rmb” 1) No. 07116, number 197116 on the right, No. 5 in the middle of the print, “Chinese Central Bank” in the middle and “Five” and “5” In the middle of the circular box directly printed “five rounds” currency, printed on both sides of the two “5” word. From the number of the ticket point of view, is in the trial version of the sample was read (insert four). The printing of this time, it seems that with my donation to the Bank of China Board of Trustees of the Republic of China branch exchange vouchers, is also a relic of the early Republic of China. I regret that I failed to find the historical data of the “Bank of China Central Bank bill.”