一、上海合作组织由“上海五国”发展而来 1991年底苏联解体后,世界局势发生了前所未有的深刻变化。面对这一巨大变化和二战后40多年美苏冷战对抗的教训,回顾20世纪发生的两次世界大战给人类带来的深重灾难以及大小战乱连绵不断的悲惨情景,世界各国和人民衷心盼望从相互敌视纷争中摆脱出来,把21世纪建成一个和平与发展的美好新世纪。在这种背景下,1996年4月26日至27日,欧亚大陆上五个毗邻而居的国家
I. SCO Develops from “Shanghai Five” After the dissolution of the Soviet Union at the end of 1991, unprecedented changes have taken place in the world situation. Faced with this tremendous change and the lessons learned from the Cold War confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union more than 40 years after the Second World War and from the profound tragedies brought to mankind caused by the two world wars of the 20th century and the continuous tragedy of large and small wars, all countries and people of the world sincerely hope that Get rid of each other’s hostile disputes, and build a 21st century into a beautiful new century of peace and development. Against this background, from April 26 to April 27, 1996, the five neighboring countries in Eurasia