This is the latest update to replace the previous recommendation on the United States BCG (TB) control. Since the previous recommendations were announced, the number of TB cases in adults and children has risen, and there have been many outbreaks of drug-resistant TB in hospitals. In addition, there is also information on the protective effects of BCG such as the published meta-analyzes of the results of the BCG vaccine clinical trial and the case-control study, further confirming the efficacy against BCG of severe forms of childhood Protection is great (ie,> 80%). However, these analyzes do not explain the protective efficacy of BCG against lung TB in adolescents and adults, and the protective efficacy is variable and uncertain. The renewed and changing characteristics of the U.S. TB care of the public health community have prompted the reevaluation of BCG vaccination in the prevention and control of TB. The latest report, released by the CDC, the TB TB Advisory Committee and the Vaccinations Advisory Committee, was prepared in consultation with the Hospital Infection Control Advisory Committee. It outlines the current considerations and recommendations regarding the use of BCG vaccines in the United States