四川彭山县人武部在2000年基干民兵训练中,结合国内国际形势突出民兵职能教育,使参训民兵进一步明确了肩负的神圣使命和光荣职责,激发了参训民兵的积极性和主动性,提高了训练质量。 他们首先把增强民兵的忧患意识作为教育的实破口。组织民兵收看广播、电视新闻,请专家上课,开展时事新闻分析等方式,特别是学习军委副主席张万年在人大解放军代表团审议政府工作报告的发言和解放军报评论员文章。使民兵清醒地认识到天下仍不太平,祖国和平统一任务艰巨,
In 2000, the Peoples Armed Forces of Pengshan County, Sichuan Province, focused on the functional education of militiamen in light of the domestic and international situation so as to further clarify the sacred mission and glorious duties shouldered by the militia participating in the training and stimulate the enthusiasm and initiative of the militia participating in the training and increase Training quality. They first take the sense of crisis that increases the militias as the real breach of education. Organize militia to watch radio and television news, invite experts to take classes and conduct current affairs news analysis. In particular, he studied the speech made by Zhang Wannian, vice chairman of the PLA Central Military Commission, in the deliberation of the report of the People’s Liberation Army on the work of the government and the articles published by the PLA Liberation Army newspaper. So that the militia clearly realized that the world is still not peaceful and the task of peaceful reunification of the motherland is arduous.