六月二十四日,二十二点,母象帕图米生下了它,分娩顺利,兽医 W 博士,在场的饲养员以及新闻记者都很高兴。动物园的经理说:这是一个重要事件,这是幸福的一天。这天是星期四,天气热得异乎寻常,刚下过一场雷阵雨。十天以后,参观动物园的人数增加了百分之一百五十。当人们从报纸上得知,驯养的大象生下小象是一个重要事件之后,每个人都想从近处亲眼看看这只取名为波塔米的小公象。父亲告诉孩
On the twenty-fourth day of June, at twenty-two, the mother Patam gave birth to it and gave birth smoothly. Dr. Veterinarian W, the present keeper and the journalist were all very happy. Zoo manager said: This is an important event, this is a happy day. It was Thursday, it was an unusually hot weather and just thundered under a thunderstorm. Ten days later, the number of people visiting the zoo increased by 150%. When people learned from newspapers that domesticated elephants gave birth to baby elephants as an important event, everyone wanted to see with their own eyes the little elephant named Potami. Father told the child