美国人喜欢用“英雄”这个词,甚至习惯于制造“英雄”——美伊战争中的所谓英雄女兵林奇的故事。美国的著名刊物《读者文摘》中专门有一个栏目叫做“今日英雄”(Today’s Hero),用来歌颂当今社会上那些救人、助人甚至自救的人们。 然而,有这样一种人,他们并没有向军人一样上战场杀敌、流血牺牲,也不曾如超人一般惊天动地救灾救难,而是在平静如常的现实生活中,凭借自己的勇气、热情和人格魅力影响了别人的一生,甚至有人受此激励而成了名人。在这里,好莱坞的明星们向人们讲述他们心中的偶像,讲述这些人所给予他们伟大而持久的影响。这些人是他们心中的“英雄”!
Americans like to use the word “hero,” even accustomed to making “heroes,” the story of the so-called heroine Lynch in the U.S.-Iraq war. A special column in Reader’s Digest, a famous American publication, is Today’s Hero, which is used to sing praise to those who help, assist and even save themselves in today’s society. However, there are such people who, on the battlefield, do not kill the enemy on the same occasions as the soldiers, nor sacrifice their bloodshed and sacrifice. Nor have they used the earth-shattering disaster relief work as superhumans. Instead, they have relied on their courage, enthusiasm and personality Charms affect others’ lives, and some are even motivated to become celebrities. Here, Hollywood celebrities are telling people about their idols and about the great, long-lasting impact these people have given them. These people are the “heroes” in their hearts!