2005年6月15日,意大利著名指挥家卡洛·马里奥·朱利尼(Giulini,Carlo Maria)的儿子阿尔贝托·朱利尼正式向公众宣布:朱利尼已于6月14日在意大利北部的布雷西亚与世长辞,终年91岁。步入乐坛1914年5月9日朱利尼出生在意大利巴勒塔(Barletta)一个小康之家,幼年的朱利尼是在靠近亚德里亚海岸城市巴里以南的蒂罗尔(Tyrol)长大的,他在那里学习小提琴和中提琴,随后进入罗马圣·切契里亚音乐学院深造,师从贝马迪诺·
On June 15, 2005, Alberto Giulini, son of the famous Italian conductor Giulini, Carlo Maria, officially announced to the public: Giulini was on June 14 at Brescia, northern Italy, died forever, at the age of 91. Into the music scene May 9, 1914 Giulini was born in a well-to-do home in Barletta, Italy, juvenile Giulini is in Tyrrhenian far south of the Adriatic coast of Bari Large, where he studied violins and violas, then entered the Roman Academy of Cecilella, studied under the Bemadino