基于约束的设计在现代CAD 系统中占据着越来越重要的地位,几何约束满足技术则是其关键与核心。分析并指出了现有的几何约束满足策略中存在的一些问题,提出了求解几何约束满足问题的一种新策略。主要内容包括约束满足条件的确定和表达,归约树的构建等方面
Constraint-based design occupies an increasingly important position in modern CAD systems. Geometry constraint satisfaction technology is the key and core. Analyzed and pointed out some existing problems in the existing geometric constraint satisfaction strategy, and proposed a new strategy to solve the problem of satisfying the geometric constraint. The main contents include the definition and expression of constraint satisfaction conditions, the construction of reduced trees and so on