First, the local formation of IC In the early stages of the study of serum serogroups, it was speculated that immune complexes immobilized in the globules, in either case, are formed by the same mechanism (ie, localized deposition of CIC). However, injection of pre-prepared CIC into experimental animals can only be deposited under the stroma and the endothelium, and sometimes it is not allowed to deposit under the epithelium even when injected with vasoactive amines. Therefore, it is speculated that in some cases, the antigen and the antibody may interact within the globule. This local antigen-antibody reaction and the consequent formation of particulate ICs in different parts of the pellet have been demonstrated by many test systems. The occurrence of IC nephropathy in rats itself was previously recognized as a CIC with tubule epithelioid brush border antigen and formed in pellets