The name Krista Rotenberger is considered a nation’s pride in democracy, not only because she won twice in the 1984 Winter Olympics and in the 1985 World Ladies Short Stops, but also because she was The 1986 World Amateur Cycling Championships in Colorado Springs, United States topped the list of rare “double world champions.” Roentgenger was a teenager with ice rink. She was born on December 4 in Weisswasser, a small city in Democracy Germany, a city known as the home of ice hockey. Rottenbuerger’s father often went to the club to play ice hockey during his spare time. Also fell in love with the ice rink.Her beauty of their dreams and shines in the sun shining colorful ice rink linked to her where she found the dream world in 1966 she was just 7 years old With his father on the ice rink.Coach like this very smart and calm girl.Rottenberg is also very competitive, five years later her figure skating level beyond the small companion team.Robot’s childhood Gerl not only excels on the ice rink but also studies in culture Top of the list, all the homework did not score 5. She introverted, speechless, looks weak, but one ice rink, she was like a cheerful little swallow fly freely. In 1971, on the advice of the coaches, Rottenberger practiced speed skating, and in the new field she remained a strong man.