
来源 :青少年日记(教育教学研究) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaosa12
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我校长期以来一直把升旗仪式作为学校德育教育的主阵地。努力规范升旗仪式,并以此为切入口,逐步规范化、科学化、制度化,把使主题升旗仪式成为展示师生精神风貌,施展个性才能,加强德育教育,促进校园文化建设的一道亮丽风景线。同时也成为了创新开拓德育工作的有效载体。一、走进国旗,深刻领悟升旗意义为保证升旗仪式庄重、神圣性,我们积极开展让学生走进国旗、了解国旗,从而深刻领悟升旗的重要意义。学校充分利用学校的德育展室, My school has long been the flag-raising ceremony as the main moral education in schools. Strive to standardize the flag-raising ceremony and use it as the starting point to standardize, scientifically and institutionalize the flag-raising ceremony to make the theme of the flag-raising ceremony a beautiful landscape that shows the mentality of teachers and students, exert their individual talents, strengthen moral education and promote the building of campus culture. At the same time, it has become an effective carrier of innovation and moral education. First, into the flag, a deep understanding of the significance of raising the flag In order to ensure solemn and sacred flag-raising ceremony, we actively carry out the students into the flag, understand the national flag, which deeply comprehend the significance of raising the flag. Schools make full use of the school’s moral exhibition room,
12月9日 晴  国庆期间,我们全家一起去了沏沏水风景区。那里山势险峻,绿树成荫,山花烂漫,瀑布成群,景色迷人,美丽极了!遥看依山而建的亭台楼阁,在云雾缭绕中,忽隐忽现,真是人间仙境!  一进山门,我就听到了流水声,抬头一看,一个大瀑布映入眼帘。只见白色的浪花从山上急速而下,飞溅的小水滴在阳光的照耀下,就像闪闪发光的水晶一般。远看,瀑布就像又宽又大的水帘,遮掩住后边一个巨大的山洞。哇!这不是传说中