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深圳宝安一家工厂经营10多年了,低档的办公桌破旧不堪,公司这几年生意不错,也该换形象了。于是,行政部准备给全体员工换一把高档椅子。就在椅子购回来的时候,老板却突然让行政部把椅子都放进仓库里,先不发下去。这下,很多人都骂老板吝啬抠门。没想到,第二天,老板召开了全体员工大会,公布了一个消息:从今天开始,凡是每小时工作量超过原来定额的人员, 不管是谁,公司将在一个月内奖励给他一把高档的椅子,而且这把椅子是永远属于他(她)的,即使这个人以后离开了公司,也可以带走。一把椅子,本来是算不了什么的。可是,老板接下来的行动,就不得不让你佩服了。公司每月都有10多名员工获奖。老板把获奖者的名字印在椅子上,并写上“××公司优秀员工座椅”样。在颁发奖品的时候。老板在会议室召开了部门副经理以上人员会议,宣布获奖人员名单,然后,让这些获奖者坐在获奖的椅子上,老板一一按成绩排名把他们推到座位上。在与会者的掌声中,获奖员工感到心情激动得连续好几天都美美的。同样做一件事,采取不同的做法,就具有不同的意义,并可能产生不同的结果。 Shenzhen Baoan a factory operating more than 10 years, low-grade desks dilapidated, the company good business in recent years, but also for the image. As a result, the Administration is prepared to give all employees a new high-end chair. When the chair was bought back, the boss suddenly let the executive branch put the chair into the warehouse without first going down. This time, many people are scolding the boss mean stingy. Unexpectedly, the next day, the boss held a staff meeting, announced a message: From today onwards, any hourly workload than the original fixed staff, no matter who, the company will be rewarded within a month to give him a high-end Chair, and the chair is always (he), even if the person later left the company, can also be taken away. A chair could have been nothing. However, the boss’s next move, you have to admire. More than 10 employees win prizes each month. The boss printed the name of the winner on the chair and wrote “×× company excellent employee seat” kind. When prizes are presented. The boss held a meeting of the deputy manager and above in the conference room to announce the list of winners. Afterwards, the winners were allowed to sit in the winning chairs, and the boss pushed them onto the seats according to their ranking. In the applause of the participants, the award-winning employees feel excited for several days in the United States and the United States. To do the same thing and take a different approach has different meanings and may produce different results.
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(1)  快睡着的时候,爷爷来到我床前。  “爷爷,是你吗?”我坐起来,奇怪地问道。  “当然是我啊。”爷爷笑着说。  “你不是已经……”我停住了,没有继续说下去,因为我发现一件更奇怪的事——一道微微的白色光芒从爷爷攥紧的拳头里泄了出来。  “爷爷,你的手里拿的什么?”  “我就知道你会喜欢。”爷爷说着,摊开掌心。  一粒青色的弹珠?不对,弹珠怎会发光,而且弹珠绝对不会如此美丽,如此晶莹剔透,还有