《中华人民共和国献血法》正式实施以来,我市严格依法办事,大力开展无偿献血活动,半年内全市无偿献血2.28万人次,献血457万毫升,基本上保证了临床医疗用血。现将我市开展无偿献血活动情况介绍如下: 1 政府重视,领导带头,机关干部做出表率 《献血法》规定:“国家实行无偿献血制度,提倡18周岁至55周岁的健康公民自愿献血。”这标志着我国无偿献血工作纳入法制轨道。落实《献血法》大力开展无偿献血活动,必须健全领导机构,有组织、有计划地开展工作。市政府先后两次调整充实无偿献血领导小组成员,由原来的22名扩大到42名,定期召开领导小组会议。特别是1999年初召开的全市无偿献血电视会议,市献血领导小组组长、副市长张心骥号召全市符合条件的公民,积极参与无偿献血活动,并要求各级政府加强对无
Since the official implementation of the Blood Donation Law of the People’s Republic of China, the city has been strictly working in accordance with the law and has vigorously carried out unpaid blood donation activities. In the first half of this year, the city has donated 22,800 unpaid blood donations and 4.57 million milliliters of blood has been donated, basically guaranteeing blood for clinical medical use. Now the city’s unpaid blood donation activities are described as follows: 1 The government attaches great importance to leadership and leaders take the lead. Agency officials set an example of the “Blood donation law”: “The state implements a voluntary blood donation system and advocates voluntary blood donation for healthy citizens aged 18 to 55 years old.” This indicates that China’s unpaid blood donation has been included in the legal system. To implement the “Blood Donation Act” and vigorously carry out unpaid blood donation activities, it is necessary to establish a sound leadership structure and work in an organized and planned manner. The municipal government has successively adjusted and enriched the members of the leading group for blood donation twice, from the original 22 to 42 and held regular leadership group meetings. In particular, the city’s unpaid blood donation video conference held in early 1999, the city’s blood donation leader group leader and deputy mayor Zhang Xinzheng called on qualified citizens of the city to actively participate in voluntary blood donation activities, and requested governments at all levels to strengthen