科学家丁文江,是中国地质事业的主要创始人与奠基人之一。他在学术上的光荣业绩和辉煌成就已是有口皆碑的,是永垂青史的。他的很多品质也同样为人们所称道。 1914年夏天,丁文江从云南过金沙江到四川会理地区调查地质。告一段落后,他打算从会理再过金沙江去云南东川调查铜矿。但民国初年政局混乱,汉彝杂居的会理地区民族关系紧张,而且治安不好。他请求会理县当局派兵保护,县长推诿客观,婉言拒绝,劝他循原路返昆明,再绕道去东川。他觉得在时间和经济上都不划算,还是想抄近道去东川。恰巧当地一位传教多年的
Ding Wenjiang, a scientist, is one of the founders and founders of China’s geological cause. His glorious accomplishments and brilliant accomplishments in academic fields are already highly acclaimed and are forever admired. Much of his quality is also commendable. In the summer of 1914, Ding Wenjiang investigated the geology from the Jinsha River in Yunnan to the Huili area in Sichuan. After the conclusion of the accident, he intends to go through the Jinsha River from Huili to investigate the copper mine in Dongchuan, Yunnan. However, the political turmoil in the early Republican China and the tensier relations between the Han and Yi ethnic groups in Huili and the lack of law and order. He asked Huili County authorities to send troops to protect the county magistrate, objectively and politely refused to persuade him to return to Kunming on his own way and then detour to Dongchuan. He felt that time and economy are not worthwhile, or want to take a shortcut to Dongchuan. Happens to be a local missionary for many years