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近年来,出版界一手抓整顿,一手抓繁荣,努力优化选题,提高质量,促使图书质量明显提高。许多马列主义读物、党史党建读物相继问世。大批弘扬民族文化的图书和各类图书呈现在读者面前,其中不乏优秀作品,不少是大部头的传世之作。这是十分可喜的。但是,当我们对图书的出版状况作进一步的分析时,却不难看到,图书品种中存在着一个明显的不足,具体地说,就是“三少”现象。一是直接为经济建设服务的图书少;二是宣传科学技术是第一生产力,促进科技成果转化为生产力的图书少;三是 In recent years, the publishing industry has focused its efforts on rectifying one hand, boosting prosperity on the other hand, making efforts to optimize its topics, improving quality and prompting a marked improvement in the quality of books. Many Marxism-Leninism books and party history books have been published one after another. A large number of carrying forward the national culture of books and books presented in front of readers, many of them outstanding works, many of them handed down for the most part. This is very gratifying. However, when we further analyze the status of the publication of books, it is not hard to see that there is a clear deficiency in the variety of books. Specifically, it is the phenomenon of “three fewer”. One is that there are few books that directly serve economic construction; the other is that there are few books that promote science and technology as the primary productive force and promote the transformation of scientific and technological achievements into productive forces. Thirdly,
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T5000狙击步枪是俄罗斯ORSIS公司推出的一款面向国际市场的高精度狙击步枪,有7.62×51mm NATO、0.300英寸温彻斯特-马格努姆和0.338英寸拉普阿-马格努姆3种口径,弹匣容弹量均
1. Introduction The need for quantitative determination of an amount of substance (symbol: “n”) has given rise to a variety of ingenious tools to realise it.
摘 要:小学语文课堂上,教师要努力变化传授知识的方法与技巧,让学生的主动性充分的激发出来,在教师留给的时空下动手、动脑,最终有所收获。这样也才能让小学语文课堂变得和谐而生动。再说,教师把学习的主阵地完全交给学生,学生在独立思考、探索、合作探究的过程中,就至圣先师自我展示与体验的过程,便也能形成的完美的课堂,从而培养了学生的能力。  关键词:小学语文;主动性;探究性;思维空间  教师是学生学习的合作
我们的出版事业是为人民服务、为社会主义服务的用什么来服务? 离开了多出好书,就会成为一句空话。多出好书也是斗争的需要。通过平息动乱暴乱,通过批判资产阶级自由化和“
本文据所参阅到的资料,对MTU 199系列装甲车辆发动机的结构,性能等做简单的介绍和分析,供研究参考。20世纪90年代中期,以德国奔驰公司具有高的功率密度,结构紧凑和高可靠性的
阜阳市局 £4a 局长——_MINtkMMtgj’#lnH$B——q.M——D收束志不他只邀狲位J则【科校为先导推动地租工作.B为广为戳民U用凶盼引眯B.习.互们羹宽.互狈槽竺汹IAn.刊 办好杂志。必