华月是以苹果品种金冠作母本、华富(苹果品种富士花药培养品种)作父本杂交育成的苹果品种。果实圆柱形,平均单果重200.0 g,黄绿色,阳面带红晕,无果锈;果肉黄白色,肉质松脆、中细,汁液多,风味酸甜适度,品质上等;可溶性固形物含量15.00%,果实硬度7.00 kg/cm2;冷藏条件下可贮至翌年5月,贮藏期间果实不皱皮,抗苹果果实轮纹病;在辽宁省兴城市,果实10月中旬成熟;作为苹果品种金冠更新替代品种,生产中要特别注重疏果、疏枝。
Huayue apple varieties are golden crown as the mother, Wafu (apple varieties Fuji anther cultivars) as the male parent breed apple varieties. The fruit is cylindrical, the average fruit weight 200.0 g, yellow-green, the sun with a flush, no fruit rust; flesh yellow-white, succulent meat crisp, medium fine, juicy, sweet and sour flavor, good quality; soluble solids content 15.00 %, Fruit hardness 7.00 kg / cm2; refrigerated conditions can be stored until May the following year, the fruit is not wrinkled during storage, anti-apple fruit ring disease; in Xingcheng City, Liaoning Province, the fruit ripening in mid-October; as the apple variety Golden Delicious update Alternative species, production should pay special attention to thinning, thinning branches.