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(一)上诉、抗诉的主体和权限问题。我国新公布的行政诉讼法在第58条中,只规定了当事人不服人民法院第一审判决和裁定的,有权在法定期限内提起上诉。而附带民事诉讼中的当事人对地方各级人民法院第一审判决、裁定中的附带民事诉讼部分,是否可以提出上诉,却未作明文规定。但是,根据国际通例和我国行政诉讼法第24条、第28条、第67条的立法思想可推知,行政诉讼附带民事诉讼的当事人,即公民(包括法定代理人)、法人或者其他组织,均应有提出上诉的权利。否则,不利于充分保护公民和法人的合法权益。那么,人民检察院是否有权对附带民事诉讼提出抗诉呢?根据我国行政诉讼法第64条规定:“人民检察院对人民法院已经发生法律效力的判决、裁定,发现违反法律、法规规定的,有权按照审判监督程序提出抗诉。”但对地方各级人民检察院认为本级人民法院尚未发生法律效力的第一审裁判,在违反法律、法规规定时有否抗诉权,即按二审程序提出的抗诉,却未加规定。根据 (A) the appeal, the subject of protest and authority issues. Article 58 of China’s newly promulgated Administrative Procedure Law only stipulates that the parties refuse to accept the judgment and ruling of the people’s court of first instance and have the right to appeal within the statutory time limit. However, the party involved in the incidental civil action fails to make any express decision as to whether the incidental civil action part of the first instance verdict and ruling of the local people’s court at various levels can appeal. However, according to the international practice and the legislative ideas of Article 24, Article 28 and Article 67 of the Administrative Procedure Law of our country, it can be inferred that the parties involved in the administrative proceedings, namely, the citizens (including legal representatives), legal persons or other organizations There should be a right to appeal. Otherwise, it is not conducive to the full protection of the legitimate rights and interests of citizens and legal persons. Then, the People’s Procuratorate has the right to protest against incidental civil proceedings? According to Article 64 of China’s Administrative Procedure Law: "The people’s procuratorate has the right to legally validated the people’s court verdict, found that violations of laws and regulations, the right The people’s procuratorates at the local level do not consider that the people’s court at the same level has not yet had the legal effect of the first instance verdict in violation of laws and regulations have the right to protest, that is, the protest proposed by the second instance, But no rules. according to
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