(2006年12月29日,美国田纳西州,纳什维尔)乐器界巨头Gibson携其全新电子配件系列在国际消费电子产品展(CES)中央广场一号展位(Booth CP1)首次登场。若干款新型的Wxrlitzer点唱机(Wxrlitzer Jukeboxes)将在Gibson展位上展出,其中包括人气很高的One More Time和新上市的Peacock and Princess。全新的HD 6X Pro数码吉他系统也将在这次展会亮相。同时,Gibson还会带来全新系列的消费者电子产品,包括签名系列U盘,外接USB硬盘,USB及HDMI数据线,外接USBDVD刻录机,10插座及4插座的电涌保护器,DVD-R和CD- R媒体,这些产品全都Gibson旗下的产品。而Take
(Dec. 29, 2006, Nashville, Tenn., USA) Musical instrument giant Gibson made its debut at Booth CP1 with its new line of electronic accessories at CES. Several new Wxrlitzer Jukeboxes will be on display at the Gibson booth, including the popular One More Time and the newly launched Peacock and Princess. The new HD 6X Pro digital guitar system will also be unveiled at this show. At the same time, Gibson will also bring a whole new series of consumer electronics products, including the signature series USB flash drive, external USB hard drive, USB and HDMI data cable, external USBDVD burner, 10-pin and 4-pin surge protector, DVD-R And CD-R media, all of these products Gibson’s products. Take