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上海电视台从一九八二年起,开展了上海经济区电视新闻的协作。一九八三年,上海电视台召开了一次经济区十城市特约通讯员会议,协调了向上海电视台提供口播新闻稿的问题。随着上海经济区的进一步开放和电视业的迅速发展,上海电视台先后同江、浙两省的十多家市级电视台建立了经常性的提供录像新闻的协作关系,并没专人从事这方面的工作。为了继续扩大经济区新闻报道的信息量和影响,上海电视台自去年春节开始,在电视新闻中开辟了《经济区信息》的栏目,专门选播各姐妹台提供的录像新闻及口播消息。春节过后,上海电视台又分别同宁波电视台和镇江电视台联合发起,举行了两次上海 Since 1982, Shanghai TV Station has carried out the cooperation in the television news of the Shanghai Economic Zone. In 1983, Shanghai Television Station held a meeting of special correspondents in the ten cities of the economic zone, coordinating the issue of providing news broadcasts to Shanghai’s television stations. With the further opening up of the Shanghai Economic Zone and the rapid development of the television industry, Shanghai Television Station has established a regular cooperative relationship with more than a dozen municipal TV stations in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces to provide video news and no one has been involved in this aspect jobs. In order to continue to expand the amount and impact of news reports in the economic zone, Shanghai TV Station has opened up the section of “Economic Zone Information” in the television news since the Spring Festival last year, and specially selected the video news and oral news broadcasts provided by its sister banks. After the Spring Festival, Shanghai Television Station was jointly launched with Ningbo Television Station and Zhenjiang TV Station respectively and held two trips to Shanghai
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There is an urgent need to develop effective therapies for ischemic stroke,but the complicated pathological processes after ischemia make doing so difficult.In
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