
来源 :北京大学学报(医学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hunterfall_horse
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Objective: Spinal muscular atrophy(SMA), an autosomal recessive neuromuscular degeneration of the anterior horn cells of the spinal cord and brain stem, results in one of the most common diseases with muscle fatigue and atrophy. Most SMA cases including all the types are due to the homozygous deletion of at least exon 7 within the survival motor neuron 1 (SMN-1) gene. Although a “golden standard” assay (PCR with mismatch primer followed by enzyme digestion) is very reliable for the identification of homozygous SMN-1 deletion, the carrier detection of heterozygous SMN-1 deletion remains a challenge. Methods: Some PCR-based gene dosage assays or multiplex PCR allow for the determination of the copy number of SMN-1 gene to identify heterozygous deletion, but these procedures are often time consuming and available on a limited clinical basis. Recently developed MLPA (multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification) is an efficient procedure that can accurately analyze relative quantification to establish the copy number of the SMN gene. We performed a validation for simultaneous detection of homozygous SMN-1 deletions of SMA patients and heterozygous SMN-1 deletions of SMA carriers in a simple assay using a MLPA-SMA assay specific reagent. Results: Six out of 20 patients with SMA were found to have homozygous SMN-1 deletion, confirmed by the PCR/digestion assay. All 4 parents of the children with SMA had heterozygous SMN-1 deletion, confirmed by an independent relative quantitative analysis. Conclusion: MLPA provides a simple, rapid and accurate method of simultaneously detecting homozygous deletions and heterozygous deletions in a single assay for both SMN-1 and SMN-2 genes. Objective: Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA), an autosomal recessive neuromuscular degeneration of the anterior horn cells of the spinal cord and brain stem, results in one of the most common diseases with muscle fatigue and atrophy. Most SMA cases including all the types are due to the homozygous deletion of at least exon 7 within the survival motor neuron 1 (SMN-1) gene. Although a “golden standard” assay (PCR with mismatch primer followed by enzyme digestion) is very reliable for the identification of homozygous SMN-1 deletion, the carrier detection of heterozygous SMN-1 deletion remains a challenge. Methods: Some PCR-based gene dosage assays or multiplex PCR allow for the determination of the copy number of SMN-1 gene to identify heterozygous deletion, but these procedures are often time consuming and available on a limited clinical basis. Recently developed MLPA (multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification) is an efficient procedure that can be accurate analyze relative quantification ication to establish the copy number of the SMN gene. We performed a validation for simultaneous detection of homozygous SMN-1 deletions of SMA patients and heterozygous SMN-1 deletions of SMA carriers in a simple assay using a MLPA-SMA assay specific reagent. : Six out of 20 patients with SMA were found to have homozygous SMN-1 deletion, confirmed by the PCR / digestion assay. All 4 parents of the children with SMA had heterozygous SMN-1 deletion, confirmed by an independent relative quantitative analysis. : MLPA provides a simple, rapid and accurate method of simultaneously detecting homozygous deletions and heterozygous deletions in a single assay for both SMN-1 and SMN-2 genes.
2013年10月2日 晴  十月二日,姥姥、姥爷带我去迎泽公园游玩。进了公园,我们便上了一条小桥,桥下,人们划着小船在水上游玩。绿色的湖水,黄红蓝色的小船,把水面打扮得更加美丽。  我们又去看了菊花展。五颜六色的菊花,千姿百态的造型,争奇斗艳,漂亮极了。最好看的是中国龙。两条奔腾的长龙,由五颜六色的菊花组成,黄色的龙体,红色的爪子,橘黄色的龙头,吸引着每一位游客,久久不想离去。  我们又来到了儿童
2月12日 晴  今天我去了奶奶家。到了奶奶家,我首要的任务便是喂鸡!这活对于我来说可是大姑娘上轿——头一回呢!我刚把鸡笼打开胳膊宽一条缝隙,那只红毛小公鸡便带头拼命往外挤,后面的一群鸡一起哄,我一没留神,竟被这些可恶至极的小坏蛋挤倒在地,摔了个四脚朝天!到了喂食的时候了,我心想:你不仁,就别怪我不义!擒贼先擒王,先饿你红毛小公鸡一顿,嘻嘻!我从谷仓里舀了碗稻谷撒在地上,随后用脚把小公鸡拒之“食”
语言表达能力与语文知识的掌握有很大关系,许多学生不是不想表情达意,而是找不到合适的语句表达。这就要从学生最基础的字词句开始训练,让学生知道字的组词,每个词的意思要能领会,然后让学生对学到的词语进行造句。如此循环往复的训练,学生的语言表达能力就会逐步提高。当然,这是一个漫长而又艰苦的过程,需要老师、学生、家长密切配合,才会有成效。  我教过一个男孩,很少和同学交流,就连他的同桌也很难听到他说一句话。