再过几天,一年一度的研究生入学考试就要开始了,带着《恐惧和希望》http://www.softclass.com.cn/club/exam_center/detail.asp?id=2298在这个冬天又有几十万莘莘学子去考场上拼搏,竞争激烈的程度远远超过高考。每个人考研的动机各不相同,可是他们面对同一份试卷,年来的辛苦与拼搏很快就要看到丰硕的成果了。 考研是对自己意志力,对自己的身体以及对信心的一次重大考验。考研是一种生活状态,如果有人问一个人在干什么,他可以说,我在考研要忍受每天千篇一律的生活:自习、吃饭、睡觉再自习,上一下课有时都成为难得的休息。“天将降大任于斯人也,必先苦其心志,劳其筋骨”,考研的准备至少
In a few days, the annual graduate entrance exam will begin, with “Fear and Hope” at this winter There are hundreds of thousands of students go to the test room fighting, the degree of competition far more than the college entrance examination. Each person has different motivation for postgraduate study, but when they face the same test paper, their hard work and hard work will soon see fruitful results. Kaoyan is a major test of one’s own will, one’s own body, and one’s confidence. Kao Yan is a living state. If someone asks someone what they are doing, he can say that I have to endure the same monotonous life in Kaoyan: self-study, eating, sleeping and self-study, and the last get out of class sometimes becomes a rare resting place. “Heaven will be reduced to any person, must first bitter his mind, its bones,” PubMed preparation at least